Monday, October 15, 2007

India to review Nepal policy

India to review Nepal policy, 14-Oct-07

In the changing context of Nepali politics, the Indian government has begun discussion on possible amendment of its policy on Nepal.

Gopal Khanal writes in The Kathmandu Post from New Delhi that experts on Nepal have been given the responsibility to suggest to the government on the kind of strategy that India must adopt taking into consideration the changing political spheres in Nepal.

The experts have been asked to answer on Indian influences in Nepal's Terai community, impact on India due to change in Nepali politics and basis of Nepal-India relation in newer context. The government has also asked the experts if the 1950 bilateral treaty is still relevant.

The communist groups in Nepal have long advocated amendment in the 1950 treaty to which India had not paid attention. Former prime minister Man Mohan Adhikari had formally asked the Indian government to review the treaty.

India has taken steps to review the treaty after it revived the bilateral treaty with Bhutan.

Khanal writes that the experts have also been told to find answers on what the ground would be for Nepal-India relations if Maoists win in the upcoming constituent assembly elections.

This is the first time than India has begun massive change in its policies towards Nepal after India’s independence in 1947.

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